In today's world, networks are absolutely key to take the right decision at the right time, to stay tuned on recent developments, to exchange on experiences, to search for solutions with your peers, to capture feedfback on ideas and proposals, ....
That is why, with Supply Chain 4 Future I am setting up and managing several networks regrouping supply chain leaders from a same industry branch or practice. The members of such a network are meeting 5 to 6 times a year around a topic of their choice. Often an external speaker is invited to introduce the topic.
All meetings are face to face, sometimes on site to visit a realisation, sometimes at an external but easy to reach location.
The subscription offer you also the possibility to bring other people from your company to the meetings so that the debates get very dynamic.
A first network has been kicked off around supply chain leaders in the Pharma and life science industry, others are soon to come !
Do you want to join one of those networks, please contact me.
Herewith also some more information about the operating principles of such networks
Yearly subscription fee to the Pharma Supply Chain Leaders Network (VAT included)